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The Shavuot Ten Commandments Experience

Celebrate shavuot

- holiday of the giving of the Torah -

with a ten commandments torah reading
and ice cream party

Shavuot celebrates the day that G-d gave us the Torah on Mount Sinai more than 3300 years ago. Each year on Shavuot as the Torah portion of the Ten Commandments is read, the giving of the Torah and the revelation of Sinai is reenacted. This year, Mount Sinai is coming to Chagrin Falls.

Join us! We’ll have a kids program and a Torah reading of the Ten Commandments, followed by a backyard ice cream party for the whole family, steps away from the Blossom Time activities.

Children are essential to the giving of the Torah, and it is important for all of them (and the adults too!) to hear the reading of the Ten Commandments.

Friday, May 26th at 4:00 PM.
Backyard of 66 W Cottage Street.
Free admission. RSVP preferred to help us prepare.